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Transition Support

You’ve put in the hard work and are ready to take on life at home, boarding school, or alternative next step – Congratulations!

Exiting an out-of-home treatment environment is an exciting and sometimes daunting step. The level of growth experienced in a therapeutic milieu is an achievement that some never reach in their whole lifetime.  The results are powerful and transformative.  Translating that growth to life outside the therapeutic bubble is a critical next step. Transition support can help create continuity of care, balance expectations, build confidence, and reduce the challenges of transition.

Having worked with young people and families in residential treatment and wilderness therapy for over a decade, I understand the work that has already been put in and how to build upon and sustain those changes moving forward.

Whatever the next step might be, I can help bridge the gap!

How does Transition Support work?

As the name implies, Transition Support is usually time limited and geared towards integrating and strengthening newly acquired skills and insights. The average length of service is around 3-months, during which time, virtual coaching sessions occur on a weekly basis.  In addition to scheduled sessions, real time support is available via text, phone, or email.  As more autonomous momentum is established, sessions and support are gradually decreased before eventually terminating.

Customized Options


Individual coaching is a great option when transitioning from out-of-home treatment to another out-of-home placement such as boarding school. You've already put in the work, gained a lot of skills, and learned a ton about yourself in the process. You're ready for this next step but a little support to remember all you learned would be helpful, especially now that you don't have the constant prompting and feedback from fellow clients and staff.


Parent Coaching is the way to go if your child made a lot of progress in their out-of-home treatment but it feels like you're playing catch-up (ie. they're ready to come home but you're not!). You can count on having access to support when you need it - like when the novelty of being home again fades and they start pushing boundaries or when the first conflict arises and you feel like you're back to square one. Learn more about parent coaching here.


When your child is coming home and you could all benefit from access to someone who understands your experience and can help you access the knowledge and skills you gained in out-of-home treatment, combined individual and parent coaching is the best path. This option includes separate and combined coaching sessions with a focus on enhancing communication and strengthening relationships.

You’ve already come so far – let’s keep it going!